Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s differently.
And that is the most important award — the one that trumps all others is building content that systematically built asset value over a 11 year time period, leading to a profitable and most–protected brand asset showing consistent profitable top and bottom line growth, with a highly competitive acquisition process, a top–tier EBITDA multiple, and an IPO along the way. We grew hundreds of millions of dollars of profitable revenue by building a lasting brand, brick by brick, that succeeded in multiple sales channels and has registered 6 consecutive years of highly profitable growth.
These folks seem pretty smart, so don't take our word for it - check them out
People actually watch our ads so let's listen to what they have to say
We were the first brand advertisers and creators on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, YouTube shorts, etc.
We were the first store on Shopify Plus, too.
But none of that matters if it didn't lead to increased profits, and that's what differentiates Marathon Pictures from any other creative partner.
We've not only shown that we know how to make content that gets views.
We've shown that we can use creative to tangibly drive improved profits.
We don’t build content for content’s sake.
We don’t work with vanity metrics.
We build towards core business metrics, but we build creative differently.
We build full funnel creative to talk to the 95 AND the 5 (referring the 95/5 rule... Google it if that makes no sense).
In our Chubbies experience, we grew hundreds of millions of dollars of profitable revenue by building a lasting brand, brick by brick, that succeeded in multiple sales channels and has registered 6 consecutive years of profitable growth.
You're probably wondering, "that sounds great n' all, but have you won awards?" Great question. We're a 0–time Cannes Lion award winning firm. Turns out Cannes don’t give awards for building real profitable digital DTC creative. Our loss; your gain.
Our biggest award — the one that trumps all others is building content that systematically built asset value over a 11 year time period, leading to a profitable and most–protected brand asset showing consistent profitable top and bottom line growth, with an acquisition and an IPO along the way.
If any of this vibes, scroll to the bottom to set up a exploratory chat.
Every piece of content serves a purpose. It either increases the probability that the viewer picks your brand when they come in market (95% of people who see our content are out of market at any given time), or it provides what's needed to *change behavior* and inspire someone who is in market to purchase from you.
We can talk about ads, fads, or being dads (or moms, or just people). But mostly, let's talk ads and what you envision for your brand.